This application will allow you to discover more than 15,000 dry stone constructions in Catalonia and catalog new ones in a fast, simple and intuitive. You can also make the buildings located in the Regional Natural Park Catalan Pyrenees and the Commonwealth-Conflent Canigou.The App is synchronized with the Dry Stone Wikipedra, a project developed by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia in collaboration with the Green Dragon Association, among other organizations that monitor the heritage of dry stone, so promote a common inventory of these constructions.The realization of this App is part of the cooperation project COL·LABORAxPAISATGE subsidized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat of Catalonia under the Catalan Aid Cooperation between Local Action Groups and financed EAFRD.The project COL·LABORAxPAISATGE: Rural development through public collaboration and landscape (dry stone buildings) wants to highlight natural heritage of traditional architecture dry stone as a predominant element of identity of most of the countryside Catalonia and other rural areas near the Mediterranean, in order to provide strategic value to these buildings and landscape as a means to promote rural development with the cooperation of citizens and civil society.It is coordinated by the Association for Integrated Rural Development of the North-East zone of Catalonia (ADRINOC) with advice and technical support of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, participating Consortium Leader Rural Development Camp Partnership Development of Lower Ebro and Montsià, the Association and the Consortium Leader West Initiative Intercomarcal Socioeconomic Ribera dEbre - Terra Alta, and with the collaboration of the Association for the dry stone and the traditional architecture.